There's nothing more frustrating than spending your valuable time, money and energy to market your business and then not getting anything to show for it. No clients. No sales. No results.

And we have to ask ourselves the question, "Why isn't it working$%:"

And to be honest, there could be many reasons your marketing isn't working.

Marketing is all about having the right message in the right place in front of the right people at the right time. That's a lot of "rights!"

Get one of them wrong, and your results suffer.

The best way to make sure you get all the marketing "rights" right, is to take the time to create a marketing plan. Because in the process of planning you will address all of these aspects of your marketing.

The Right Message

WHAT is your marketing message$%: What are you saying to convince people that they should$%: buy your products or services$%: What you say, and how you say it, is absolutely critical. It must tap into the needs and desires of your prospects. It must hit them emotionally.

The Right Place

WHERE and HOW are you marketing$%: You've got to put your marketing message out consistently so your prospects are exposed to it repeatedly. That means your message has to be where your prospects are.

The Right People

WHO are you talking to with your marketing$%: Do you have a clear definition of who they are$%: what is important to them, and how your product or service can solve a problem or fill a need they have$%: You've must if you want your marketing to be effective.

The Right Time

WHEN are you marketing$%: HOW OFTEN are you putting your marketing message out in front of your prospects$%: You must market consistently over time to be effective. And, if there is seasonality to your business, or a specific time when people are more likely to buy from you, you must be in front of them at that time.

Get these four "Rights" right and your marketing will stand a much better chance of succeeding.

Taking the time to create a marketing plan ensures you've taken the time to carefully address each of these "Rights."


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